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Highlander Chugging  
HIGHLANDER Leaderboard
Last update: 309 minutes ago

There can be only one!

We call this the Highlander Leaderboard, because the C word is too frightening. But this is really about which Gotchi ate the most Gotchis. Do NOT leave your Gotchi alone with these guys! Even the Liquidators are scared of them!

Sorting criteria: Number of Gotchis eaten (tie-breaker = POWER (XP))

Most recent attacks:
2024-09-12 06:52:15 UTC: aavegotchi.eth (16152) ate a fab multi-course menu (14108) and absorbed its power (3450 XP)
2024-09-10 17:57:18 UTC: Raclette (9346) ate CHEAPEST 900KIN + MYTHEYE (8037) and absorbed its power (2785 XP)
2024-09-10 16:54:01 UTC: BAS3D (20966) ate an Aavegotchi (2224) and absorbed its power (590 XP)
2024-09-10 13:57:22 UTC: Wagwan (1470) ate Kidnapped by Morality (18192) and absorbed its power (3625 XP)
2024-09-10 13:53:34 UTC: JAG DE BELLOUET (6147) ate 1525 XP (11932) and absorbed its power (3685 XP)
2024-09-09 21:28:50 UTC: Monkey Geist (16028) ate Caffeine (19844) and absorbed its power (2980 XP)
2024-09-09 20:27:19 UTC: HERMES (1416) ate INTERNETSAFE (12314) and absorbed its power (3025 XP)
2024-09-09 14:50:05 UTC: Joan of Aarc (22844) ate Super Kinship (20591) and absorbed its power (2940 XP)
2024-09-09 04:47:32 UTC: Monkey Geist (16028) ate Margarita (19328) and absorbed its power (2310 XP)
2024-09-07 15:44:56 UTC: Z E N (22037) ate an Aavegotchi (5189) and absorbed its power (2415 XP)
2024-09-07 15:44:20 UTC: Z E N (22037) ate an Aavegotchi (21254) and absorbed its power (3080 XP)
2024-09-07 15:43:32 UTC: Z E N (22037) ate an Aavegotchi (18969) and absorbed its power (3085 XP)
2024-09-07 13:57:56 UTC: Grace Hopper (23881) ate an Aavegotchi (935) and absorbed its power (3040 XP)
2024-09-07 13:04:51 UTC: Monkey Geist (16028) ate Whisky (10353) and absorbed its power (3455 XP)
2024-09-07 12:29:33 UTC: Forin (22261) ate Sacrificial Lamb (10074) and absorbed its power (1330 XP)
2024-09-07 11:29:27 UTC: HERMES (1416) ate beautiful eyes-1 (22274) and absorbed its power (2890 XP)
2024-09-07 08:50:58 UTC: TROPIC AAGENT (16505) ate an Aavegotchi (8462) and absorbed its power (2680 XP)
2024-09-07 08:42:22 UTC: TROPIC AAGENT (16505) ate an Aavegotchi (15474) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-07 08:41:10 UTC: TROPIC AAGENT (16505) ate ZORO (3209) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 21:17:20 UTC: CASH FAIRY (22751) ate an Aavegotchi (22954) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 21:15:24 UTC: CASH FAIRY (22751) ate an Aavegotchi (13327) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 21:12:20 UTC: CASH FAIRY (22751) ate an Aavegotchi (16296) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 20:56:33 UTC: TOTO (21154) ate Sword (24560) and absorbed its power (2690 XP)
2024-09-06 20:55:43 UTC: TOTO (21154) ate an Aavegotchi (24460) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 20:55:03 UTC: TOTO (21154) ate Collect Mythical Eyes 98! (21318) and absorbed its power (2620 XP)
2024-09-06 20:35:31 UTC: ZIGGY STARDUST (10252) ate THE BTC (10826) and absorbed its power (2640 XP)
2024-09-06 20:33:39 UTC: ZIGGY STARDUST (10252) ate an Aavegotchi (8039) and absorbed its power (2660 XP)
2024-09-06 11:55:01 UTC: KING OF COCKTAILS (22958) ate an Aavegotchi (20734) and absorbed its power (2650 XP)
2024-09-06 11:54:17 UTC: KING OF COCKTAILS (22958) ate Lobster Bisque (15879) and absorbed its power (2660 XP)
2024-09-06 11:53:57 UTC: KING OF COCKTAILS (22958) ate an Aavegotchi (14406) and absorbed its power (2670 XP)


SlideID: 23795
Eaten: 69 GotchisAge: 1,096.2 days
Power (XP): 182730Kinship: 1836
Absorbed Power: 179645XP from Potions: 0


AyahuascaID: 9106
Eaten: 67 GotchisAge: 1,290.7 days
Power (XP): 77655Kinship: 1504
Absorbed Power: 75595XP from Potions: 300


Eaten: 61 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 68095Kinship: 2374
Absorbed Power: 63895XP from Potions: 290


ImmaterialID: 16559
Eaten: 28 GotchisAge: 1,110.7 days
Power (XP): 62425Kinship: 2084
Absorbed Power: 58435XP from Potions: 0


Dr WagmiID: 16635
Eaten: 26 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 53050Kinship: 2231
Absorbed Power: 45930XP from Potions: 0


ChamallowGotchiID: 14140
Eaten: 25 GotchisAge: 926.8 days
Power (XP): 54005Kinship: 1854
Absorbed Power: 50585XP from Potions: 0


Xp Number OneID: 8531
Eaten: 23 GotchisAge: 1,259.8 days
Power (XP): 28200Kinship: 2374
Absorbed Power: 27130XP from Potions: 100


CavalierID: 5535
Eaten: 20 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 16140Kinship: 1860
Absorbed Power: 13820XP from Potions: 0


Z E NID: 22037
Eaten: 19 GotchisAge: 833.7 days
Power (XP): 45800Kinship: 574
Absorbed Power: 43360XP from Potions: 0


Grace HopperID: 23881
Eaten: 19 GotchisAge: 1,071.8 days
Power (XP): 37905Kinship: 1873
Absorbed Power: 35605XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 17 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 45580Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 43670XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 17 GotchisAge: 1,261.4 days
Power (XP): 29405Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 26920XP from Potions: 270


The Fallen GotchiID: 4271
Eaten: 17 GotchisAge: 1,290.8 days
Power (XP): 20850Kinship: 2058
Absorbed Power: 18300XP from Potions: 60


aavegotchi.ethID: 16152
Eaten: 16 GotchisAge: 1,110.3 days
Power (XP): 40170Kinship: 1941
Absorbed Power: 36800XP from Potions: 0


FarfarID: 14117
Eaten: 16 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 19310Kinship: 2016
Absorbed Power: 17890XP from Potions: 0


Licky's EscapeID: 10292
Eaten: 14 GotchisAge: 931.8 days
Power (XP): 33995Kinship: 1894
Absorbed Power: 30780XP from Potions: 0


DIVAID: 4789
Eaten: 12 GotchisAge: 1,282.9 days
Power (XP): 17295Kinship: 2006
Absorbed Power: 14775XP from Potions: 0


AavominationID: 383
Eaten: 12 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 13300Kinship: 2516
Absorbed Power: 9295XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 12 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 9435Kinship: 1577
Absorbed Power: 8235XP from Potions: 780


KizatchiID: 1240
Eaten: 12 GotchisAge: 1,279.8 days
Power (XP): 10410Kinship: 2120
Absorbed Power: 6705XP from Potions: 0


For Shogungotchi SetID: 23201
Eaten: 11 GotchisAge: 1,051.8 days
Power (XP): 38825Kinship: 1557
Absorbed Power: 35665XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 11 GotchisAge: 1,281.6 days
Power (XP): 14735Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 11850XP from Potions: 620


Eaten: 10 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 28930Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 26300XP from Potions: 20


LickidaterID: 13700
Eaten: 10 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 23515Kinship: 2252
Absorbed Power: 21655XP from Potions: 0


Son of a WAIFUID: 21403
Eaten: 10 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 24560Kinship: 1798
Absorbed Power: 21145XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 10 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 20655Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 18205XP from Potions: 540


Eaten: 10 GotchisAge: 1,290.5 days
Power (XP): 11545Kinship: 2068
Absorbed Power: 7695XP from Potions: 200


STARID: 4518
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 27810Kinship: 2238
Absorbed Power: 23515XP from Potions: 0


aragonID: 6931
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,248.5 days
Power (XP): 22105Kinship: 1921
Absorbed Power: 19975XP from Potions: 0


hot curly fryID: 22566
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,100.2 days
Power (XP): 18555Kinship: 1671
Absorbed Power: 16155XP from Potions: 0


Gotchi Gaming GangID: 17344
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,111.0 days
Power (XP): 18630Kinship: 2202
Absorbed Power: 16000XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,290.8 days
Power (XP): 18760Kinship: 2134
Absorbed Power: 15685XP from Potions: 0


LegitnessID: 23065
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,100.5 days
Power (XP): 8880Kinship: 1980
Absorbed Power: 6470XP from Potions: 0


WinklevossID: 8845
Eaten: 9 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 8810Kinship: 140
Absorbed Power: 6000XP from Potions: 1970


Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,289.9 days
Power (XP): 21295Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 19060XP from Potions: 0


Gotchi GuardiansID: 13212
Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,111.0 days
Power (XP): 21120Kinship: 2243
Absorbed Power: 17535XP from Potions: 0


RocinanteID: 12611
Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,098.8 days
Power (XP): 13480Kinship: 1496
Absorbed Power: 11895XP from Potions: 0


foolishID: 17944
Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,110.1 days
Power (XP): 12010Kinship: 1536
Absorbed Power: 10625XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,097.8 days
Power (XP): 11320Kinship: 2191
Absorbed Power: 8335XP from Potions: 0


OG FelonID: 826
Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,290.8 days
Power (XP): 7375Kinship: 2523
Absorbed Power: 5810XP from Potions: 160


Satoshi N.ID: 3295
Eaten: 8 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 8765Kinship: 2305
Absorbed Power: 5540XP from Potions: 430


Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,270.7 days
Power (XP): 25332Kinship: 2513
Absorbed Power: 20505XP from Potions: 0


The BuddhaID: 11663
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 21065Kinship: 1629
Absorbed Power: 18565XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 20385Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 17650XP from Potions: 0


Monkey GeistID: 16028
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,102.6 days
Power (XP): 18600Kinship: 1782
Absorbed Power: 17650XP from Potions: 0


WhopperID: 4350
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,286.7 days
Power (XP): 20325Kinship: 2658
Absorbed Power: 16820XP from Potions: 0


Zappy ++++ID: 13509
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,103.9 days
Power (XP): 16120Kinship: 1504
Absorbed Power: 14970XP from Potions: 0


X-FileID: 18009
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,062.0 days
Power (XP): 15175Kinship: 1808
Absorbed Power: 13875XP from Potions: 0


Blue-RayID: 6138
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,260.7 days
Power (XP): 15560Kinship: 2178
Absorbed Power: 13410XP from Potions: 0


CrawlingID: 4285
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 16010Kinship: 2241
Absorbed Power: 12755XP from Potions: 60


KoOi_Tanker001ID: 15778
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,085.8 days
Power (XP): 15355Kinship: 1821
Absorbed Power: 11765XP from Potions: 0


Mistakes Were MadeID: 12515
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,051.9 days
Power (XP): 12640Kinship: 1837
Absorbed Power: 10900XP from Potions: 0


BWAID: 1448
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,280.9 days
Power (XP): 9280Kinship: 2043
Absorbed Power: 7045XP from Potions: 0


FrenID: 4589
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 6435Kinship: 1901
Absorbed Power: 2935XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 3085Kinship: 2142
Absorbed Power: 1000XP from Potions: 160


ArdbegID: 9128
Eaten: 7 GotchisAge: 1,285.7 days
Power (XP): 3425Kinship: 1925
Absorbed Power: 280XP from Potions: 60


ChoynaID: 5139
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 29374Kinship: 2582
Absorbed Power: 24385XP from Potions: 0


Gotchi HeroID: 16863
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,057.7 days
Power (XP): 15060Kinship: 1766
Absorbed Power: 13180XP from Potions: 0


ScavengerID: 13996
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,109.4 days
Power (XP): 14645Kinship: 2047
Absorbed Power: 11295XP from Potions: 0


Boo-DaciousID: 18873
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,054.6 days
Power (XP): 13000Kinship: 1777
Absorbed Power: 11200XP from Potions: 0


CoglinID: 2542
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,290.6 days
Power (XP): 5950Kinship: 1006
Absorbed Power: 5280XP from Potions: 0


GodelID: 7433
Eaten: 6 GotchisAge: 1,262.7 days
Power (XP): 4975Kinship: 830
Absorbed Power: 3455XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,100.3 days
Power (XP): 15260Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 13350XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,100.3 days
Power (XP): 15200Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 13290XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,110.8 days
Power (XP): 15295Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 13145XP from Potions: 240


Joan of AarcID: 22844
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,100.4 days
Power (XP): 14080Kinship: 906
Absorbed Power: 12640XP from Potions: 0


Arena SpiritID: 21868
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 878.5 days
Power (XP): 15540Kinship: 1790
Absorbed Power: 12480XP from Potions: 0


Queen CaandyID: 19991
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,110.7 days
Power (XP): 12725Kinship: 597
Absorbed Power: 11915XP from Potions: 0


Veraa MolnaarID: 16455
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,052.8 days
Power (XP): 10525Kinship: 1827
Absorbed Power: 8975XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,082.7 days
Power (XP): 12350Kinship: 1951
Absorbed Power: 8490XP from Potions: 0


lugnutID: 20232
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,110.6 days
Power (XP): 9735Kinship: 2160
Absorbed Power: 6520XP from Potions: 0


Celestial DragonID: 12893
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 6955Kinship: 2241
Absorbed Power: 3890XP from Potions: 0


590 TOP1 BRSID: 15571
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,055.2 days
Power (XP): 7320Kinship: 2137
Absorbed Power: 3745XP from Potions: 0


FelonID: 19095
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,110.7 days
Power (XP): 4240Kinship: 2202
Absorbed Power: 3595XP from Potions: 0


AlchemicazeID: 24975
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,100.9 days
Power (XP): 6520Kinship: 1874
Absorbed Power: 3340XP from Potions: 0


PlasmID: 5540
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,267.5 days
Power (XP): 6420Kinship: 2487
Absorbed Power: 2790XP from Potions: 0


Danny McBrideID: 3848
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,276.8 days
Power (XP): 3115Kinship: 1222
Absorbed Power: 2770XP from Potions: 0


YakshaID: 3261
Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,254.8 days
Power (XP): 3040Kinship: 2045
Absorbed Power: 1400XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 5 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 2685Kinship: 1326
Absorbed Power: 1155XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,071.9 days
Power (XP): 12290Kinship: 22
Absorbed Power: 10630XP from Potions: 0


Hustla28ID: 7413
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,201.8 days
Power (XP): 11790Kinship: 2098
Absorbed Power: 9295XP from Potions: 0


FuriousGotchiID: 12022
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 840.8 days
Power (XP): 11550Kinship: 1685
Absorbed Power: 8420XP from Potions: 0


KTeam_02_01ID: 16732
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 846.9 days
Power (XP): 10440Kinship: 1615
Absorbed Power: 8160XP from Potions: 0


JoeD1rtID: 6279
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,290.7 days
Power (XP): 10025Kinship: 1321
Absorbed Power: 7915XP from Potions: 0


Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,110.5 days
Power (XP): 10095Kinship: 2207
Absorbed Power: 7670XP from Potions: 0


CaaptainID: 12247
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 10595Kinship: 2256
Absorbed Power: 6945XP from Potions: 0


Gotchi BattlerID: 6827
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,290.7 days
Power (XP): 10485Kinship: 2125
Absorbed Power: 6830XP from Potions: 0


MaageID: 5743
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,241.7 days
Power (XP): 10460Kinship: 2417
Absorbed Power: 6295XP from Potions: 0


Dropt it like its HotID: 282
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,247.2 days
Power (XP): 8630Kinship: 2005
Absorbed Power: 6185XP from Potions: 0


KTeam_01_03ID: 10909
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 825.0 days
Power (XP): 6870Kinship: 913
Absorbed Power: 6160XP from Potions: 0


power rangerID: 20844
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,090.9 days
Power (XP): 6750Kinship: 1631
Absorbed Power: 5900XP from Potions: 0


Is RareID: 20952
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 9786Kinship: 2243
Absorbed Power: 5780XP from Potions: 0


GeneraalID: 9023
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,290.7 days
Power (XP): 9855Kinship: 2607
Absorbed Power: 5505XP from Potions: 0


SnowfroID: 17033
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,101.7 days
Power (XP): 6820Kinship: 2055
Absorbed Power: 5360XP from Potions: 0


BeardedID: 13536
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,111.0 days
Power (XP): 8750Kinship: 2268
Absorbed Power: 5285XP from Potions: 0


KTeam_02_05ID: 12151
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,110.9 days
Power (XP): 6785Kinship: 1673
Absorbed Power: 5140XP from Potions: 0


The Chosen OneID: 11170
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,048.2 days
Power (XP): 7565Kinship: 1671
Absorbed Power: 4660XP from Potions: 0


LitepigletID: 5369
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,291.0 days
Power (XP): 8460Kinship: 2234
Absorbed Power: 4565XP from Potions: 0


MegamanID: 4441
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,290.9 days
Power (XP): 6440Kinship: 2647
Absorbed Power: 4490XP from Potions: 50


GatekeeperID: 19172
Eaten: 4 GotchisAge: 1,109.0 days
Power (XP): 8105Kinship: 2193
Absorbed Power: 3900XP from Potions: 0